Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On March 25, at 07.30 am, unmanned aerial vehicles, Sikorsy and Cobra type helicopter activity took place on the Hill Bayê area between Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district and the Çarçella area.

While the Turkish army was descending down to Bayê hill, our forces hit the Sikorsy-type helicopter with heavy weapons. Again, at 10.00, the Turkish army carried out setdown on the Mergan and Martyr Fikret hills.

The Turkish army trying to setdown on the Martyr Roni hill was shot with heavy weapons and 1 soldier was killed, 2 soldiers were wounded here. At the same day at 17.30, the Turkish army tried to setdowns from Bayê hill once again, and had to retreat before the helicopters could setdown after the response of our forces with heavy weapons.

At 18:40, our forces carried out an infiltration action against the first set of soldiers which came to hill Bayê after setdown, and here two positions were effectively shot and destroyed. Six soldiers were killed in the action. Our comrade Bahoz Amed has been martyred after fighting heroically.

On March 26 (today) at 06.00 hours, the Turkish army's soldier units attempting setdown on Martyr Rojin and Merga hills were hit with heavy weapons, one soldier was killed and two soldiers were wounded here.

The ID information of our comrade Bahoz Amed, who fell as martyr during the clashes, will be announced later on.

2. On March 25, at 14.30, our forces carried out an action with mortars against Shkêr police station of Hakkari's Çel (Çukurca) district. In this action, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

3. On March 25, at 15:00, unmanned aerial vehicles and warplanes flying over the Avashin area of our Medya Defense Zones were hit with heavy weapons by our forces. The results of these strikes were not clarified.

March 26, 2017

HPG Press Centre