Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 29, between 17:30 and 18:00 hours, a group of our guerrillas encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers and came into conflict with enemy forces around Sefkan village in Ovacık district of Dersim province one of our comrades were martyred during the conflict.

The ID details of the fallen guerrilla is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Rohat Nurhak

First-Last Name: Mehmet Şiş

Place of Birth: Maraş

Mother's-Father's Name: Gülistan - Tevfik

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 29 May 2017 / Dersim

2. 2. On May 27, at 01.00, a group of our guerrillas encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers and came into conflict with enemy forces around Sımban village between Tatvan and Hizan districts of Bitlis.Two soldiers were killed and two others were wounded, including one sergeant during the clash which took place, after which the Turkish army launched an operation and retreated from the area inconclusively, on May 28.

3. On May 30, between 10:00 and 10:30, Turkish warplanes conducted a bombardment on Berdêqaşo Hill and surroundings of the Mehmet Karasungur Martyrdom Cemetery in Qandil region of our Medya Defense Zones.

1 June 2017

HPG Press Centre