Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 30, at 6.30, our guerrilla forces carried out an action against an outpost of the occupying Turkish army in Kutudere area of Dersim. In this action, the soldiers in the outpost garden were targeted and 2 soldiers were killed. 

- On May 29, between 17:30 and 18:00 hours, a group of our guerrillas encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers and came into conflict with enemy forces around Sefkan village in Ovacık district of Dersim. After the conflict in which the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified, we have lost contact with one of our guerrilla.

2. On May 18, the individual named Fahrettin Özer, who took part in the operations against our guerrillas in the village of Dırba and its surroundings in the Varto district of Muş province, and played a role in the martyrdom of some of our guerrillas, was captured and punished by our forces while this individual was returning from the ambush activity carried out with the soldiers.

Following the action of our forces, the occupying Turkish army was forced to retreat inconclusively on May 21 within its operations which were launched in the villages of Dırba, Xınzor, Bıran, Kelaköy, Kelaqumral, Keranlı, Goma Çavuş and Goma Xan.

3. On May 31, at 07:30, our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army soldiers positioned on the top of Havan hill in Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) district. After the action where one soldier was killed, the enemy has indiscriminately bombed the surrounding areas with howitzer and mortar shells.

4. On May 30, at 08.40, our YJA Star forces carried out an action against occupying Turkish army soldiers positioned at the top of Ronahi hill in Hakkari's Şemzinan district. In the effective hits of the action where the targeted enemy positions were hit, one soldier has been identified to have been killed.

5. In our statement published yesterday, we had given information on the action carried out by our forces against the occupying Turkish army soldiers positioned on Elişêr hill in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district on May 29, at 08.40 hours. We had stated that a total of 15 soldiers were killed in this action where our one guerrilla reached martyrdom by fighting heroically.

The ID information of our comrade who played an important role in the success of the action and reached martyrdom by clashing heroically is as following:

Nom de Guerre: Andok Zagros

Name Surname: Ümit Acar

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's - Father's Name: Nazlı - Zeki

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 29 May 2017 / Hakkari

6. On May 30, within the hours of 11.00 and 14.00, warplanes of the occupying Turkish army bombed the Geliyê Reş area of Xakurke from our Medya Defense Zones. The same day, from 12.00 and 12.30, warplanes also bombed the Kalatuka area of the Qandil Mountains. While no casualties have occurred in these attacks which were carried out, material damage has been caused in civilian areas.

31 May, 2017

HPG Press Centre