Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 29 at 04.00, our forces carried out an assassination action against soldiers positioned on the Martyr Rahime hill in the Oremar area of the Gever (Yüksekova) district of Hakkari. Two soldiers were killed in this action.

- On May 29, at 8.40, our guerrilla forces carried out an action from three different arms targeting the occupying Turkish army's soldiers positioned on the Êlişer hill in Hakkari's Gever district. In this action, our forces effectively hit positions with heavy and individual weapons. On the first action arm, two positions were destroyed while nine soldiers were killed. Also, the second and third action arms effectively hit positions with heavy weapons and six soldiers were killed in these positions. In the action, a total of 15 soldiers were killed and one of our comrade was martyred.

- On May 29, at 14.45, our forces carried out an action with heavy weapons against the occupying Turkish Army, located on the Tepê Ceta in the Şemzinan district of Hakkari. In this action, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified. After the action, the Turkish army bombarded the surrounding areas with howitzers and mortars.

2. On May 28, our YJA Star forces put a secret unit leaving the Suveren military station in the Aktağ area of Bingöl province under surveillance. On 20.00 hours the same day, our forces have carried out an infiltration action against this secret unit. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this action could not be clarified. On May 29, at 03.30, cobra-type helicopters belonging to the occupying Tukish army, along with the Suveren military station, bombed the action area and surroundings with howitzers, mortars and tanks.

3. On May 26, at 16.00, a group of our guerrillas entered a clash with the occupying Turkish army troops near the bridge of Papiznıx in Bitlis province. One soldier was killed in this clash which took place. In this clash, our comrade Zana was martyred after fighting heroically.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following:

Nom de Guerre: Zana Beritan

Name Surname: Musa Argış

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's - Father's Name: Saniye - Fahrettin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 26 May 2017 / Bitlis

30 May, 2017

HPG Press Centre