Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 28, our forces put a secret unit of the Turkish army in the Beşra area in Eruh district of Siirt under surveillance. At 17.30, our forces carried out an infiltration action and effectively hit the soldiers in close range.

Here, one soldier was killed and three others were wounded. In addition, our forces seized one HK-3 (hybrid) weapon. Also, soldiers in the tents were hit with individual weapons, while the number of dead and wounded soldiers couldn't be clarified. After the action, Cobra-type helicopters and the TRT Eruh outpost bombed the area indiscrimintely. The Turkish army has carried away its dead and wounded from the area via Sikorsy-type helicopters. Again, the Turkish army bombarded local people in the area from the Xêrxol hill. This action was carried out in the memory of our comrades who were martyred in the area of Besta and Herekol.

2. On May 25, at 22.00, our forces carried out an sabotage action targeting a military unit that was on the move in Lolbiva region in Hizan district of Bitlis province. Three soldiers, including one sergeant, was wounded in this action.

- On May 27, in the evening hours, our forces detained a village guard who was going to duty near the Kındok village of Hizan. An AK-47 weapon and magazines belonging to the village guard were seized by our forces. The guards were released after being warned by our forces.

3. On May 26, at 13.30, our forces carried out an action with heavy weapons against Serbend outpost in Uludere district of Şırnak. One soldier was killed in this action.

4. On May 26, at 12.30, our YJA Star forces carried out an assassination action targeting soldiers positioned on the Ronahi hill of Hakkari's Şemzinan district. One soldier was killed in this action.

5. Our guerrilla forces had initiated Martyr Mahir, Martyrs Argeş and Martyr Eylem Revolutionary Campaigns in Serhat Province. Partial information has been made about our revolutionary campaign, and the details have been announced to be explained later. The information which we have obtained on the revolutionary move in which special forces from Kayseri, Tokat and Erzurum have joined is as following:

- The International road between Bazid and Çaldıran was closed to traffic at 14:30 on May 24th, and public meetings were held for people in the hundreds of vehicles. During the road control, 5 vehicles and 25 trucks working for the occupying Turkish state has been set on fire. Soldiers from Gulizerkê police station intervened in the action area at 17:00 hours and were effectively shot by our forces. As a result of effective hits, seven soldiers were killed, while six were wounded, two of which were heavily wounded. Soldiers who arrived from Gulizerkê outpost and Zorava hill once again were effectively hit, and three soldiers were killed here while one soldier was wounded. The Turkish army bombed this action area and its surroundings intensively with the support of 2 reconnaissance aircraft, with tanks, howitzers, mortars and cobra helicopters.

- During May 24 - May 25, this area was fully under the control of our guerrilla forces. Soldiers on the Zorava and Gola hills and soldiers attempting to intervene in the area of action on May 25th at 05:00 were shot and surrounded in an ambush action. This surrounded enemy has been totally destroyed. Here, as we have already explained, 1 BKC weapon and 300 bullets, 1 hybrid weapon, 1 bomb weapon and its magazine, 1 thermal and many bags and life material were seized by our forces. This surrounded area was also bombarded with the support of 2 exploration aircrafts and 2 drones supporting the howitzers, tanks and mortars. Again, 2 cobra helicopters were shot and hit.

The Turkish army has been brought into a state where it cannot act with a total of 55 soldiers being killed, 45 of which were seen by our forces, and many others being wounded.

On May 26, while the area was hit by warplanes and cobra helicopters in general, howitzers and mortars have also carried out bombardment.

The campaign launched by our forces continues and further details on new actions will be announced later on.

6. On May 25, at 13.30, the Turkish army carried out bombardment on the martyrdom cemetery in Geliyê Pisaxa area of Haftanin of our Medya Defense Zones.

On May 28, between 08.30 and 10.00, the Turkish warplanes bombarded the Basya area of Hakkari's Şemzinan district.

May 28, 2017

HPG Press Centre